2021/05 | Bomby's Website!

Some buttons showing what I'm into!
The buttons made by other people are linked to their pages, while stamps I made myself will link to this site (or to an interest's page) if you click on them.
Feel free to use my buttons!

Holidays... SOON!

I haven’t poster in a while since I’ve been busy with uni assignments. My last one is due on the 31st of this month, so not too long to go!

University has been fun for the first semester, but I definitely can use a break over the winter holidays.

During this holiday, I’ll be working on a website for a society that I’m starting, as well as trying to learn more coding. TwilioQuest seems like a fun way to do that and I might try it in combination with FreeCodeCamp.

I’ll also be going to the snow this year, so here’s to hoping that we get some nice and fluffy show when we’re there.

Catmap 2

I’ve been busy the last few days working on the catmap, and I got the Google Maps API to work the way I want it to! So far, I have 40 pictures, but I still need 60 more for the assignment criteria. It was interesting to look at the different interpretations of cats around the world, and the myths and stories that follow… I’ll finish up with those on the weekend!


Just worked today, nothing much else!

The Myers-briggs personality test (and many other like it) isn’t based on any real scientific research, but something about personality tests really intrigue me.

Maybe it’s the idea that we can truly understand people and all the complexities and differences that make these tests so compelling. It’s plain satisfying to feel that everyone’s differences has an underlying reason…

But no!! People are more than just 4 letters. It’s a bit of fun, but I think most people’s personalities are fluid and change depending on the environment they’re in and the people they’re with.


Today, I tried to do something cool for my upcoming assignment with code.
Unfortunately, being the big noob I am, I couldn’t really figure it out.
I wanted to create a map with pictures overlaid on certain coordinates, and tried to use OpenLayers to do it.
For most of the day, I was figuring out how to use npm and browserify to run packages… I’m happy that I learnt how to use them!

As for the map, I actually did manage to embed it onto the page, but I couldn’t understand how to project a static image onto specific coordinates.
You can take a look here! Not exciting at all since it’s just a map, but it’s better than nothing. 😭

I might try to use Google Maps API instead just because the documentation is easier to read (for me).